Monday, September 15, 2008

Book Talk

I told you earlier that I would be reading the book Helper By Design. Well, there are several ladies that I am meeting with at church and we are reading this book together. We have had great discussions and I am looking forward to finishing the book. I just thought I would post some of the things that the Lord pointed out to me in this chapter.

1. The Lord has commanded my husband to love me (Ephesians 5:25) How am I making that easy for him? It is my obligation to help him in doing this!

2. I long to be known by my husband, but I know that I do not always long to know him as I should. She says, "we wives have been called to help and companion our husbands, a task that will be impossible if we aren't growing in our knowledge of them."

3. The only one who will ever completely know us is the Lord.

There are many other things that I have been challenged by in this book. Hopefully I will post more later. If you are reading this with me, feel free to comment on some things you are learning.

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